Wed., 25 April: 1984 ch 1 & defining dystopian worlds

Today I will:
~Summarize, relate and respond to 1984 by completing the 4-R Reading Guide
~Select text evidence from 1984 that describes elements of dystopian fiction in the novel's setting by filling in the 1st page of "Defining Dystopian Worlds" chart

Warm-up: log onto Google Classroom and open the Dystopian Fiction: 4-R Reading Guide. After a quick skim/re-reading of yesterday's reading, complete squares 1 and 2, "Read" and "Re-tell" independently (& quietly). We will have a discussion afterward.

~Read-aloud of 1984 chapter 1, part II. Annotate your text!

~Complete squares 3 & 4 with a partner. Honors, you need to find another honors student.

~Begin "Defining Dystopian Worlds" chart (handed out in class). If you are absent or lose this, view & print here.

~Fill in page 1 "Defining Dystopian Worlds" evidence collector. Due tomorrow!

This is practice at selecting text evidence that relates to the elements of dystopian fiction we have been discussing for a week. You will fill in page 2 as your begin your lit circle novel tomorrow.
