Thurs., 3 May: "America the Dystopia" & more reading

Today I will: 
~Analyze dystopian literature w/a focus on theme and dystopian elements by working on Discussion Questions handout
~Analyze rhetorical appeals and apply knowledge of propaganda & source credibility by annotating "America the Dystopia" and participating in discussion


~WARM-UP: Write as much as you can, drawing from your prior knowledge, your novel, and your life experience, for 5 minutes. If you need to repeat yourself, do so.
Using your knowledge of the dystopian elements, do you think our world is becoming more or less like those of modern day dystopias? Consider technology, figureheads, conformity, censorship, dehumanization, isolation, etc. Back up your opinion, or claim, with evidence from your life, your novel, modern politics, or any other global connections.
~Pair Share + class discussion
~Read "America the Dystopia" together & annotate digitally (via Google Classroom)

~Read and work on your Discussion Questions handout for the remainder of class.

~Complete the Discussion Questions handout by tomorrow.
~Keep reading. You will meet with your literature circle group on Friday.
~The quiz requires you to be familiar with "America the Dystopia" and the elements of dystopian lit. 

