Fri., 27 Apr: Lit Circle #1

Today I will:
~Describe the dystopian setting of my lit circle book by discussing the 2nd page of the "Defining Dystopian Worlds" chart
~Read and analyze my dystopian lit circle book by answering a question and replying to classmates' responses on Classroom

Warm-up: Log onto Google Classroom and write for 10 minutes about your book so far. (The response will take the form of a QUESTION in Classroom.) No talking. Just open your book and computer and write. Discussion AFTERWARD.

~Then, read and reply to at least 2 classmates' writing on Classroom. Keep it respectful and appropriate.

~Lit Circle time! Discuss "Defining Dystopian Worlds" chart with your lit circle group. (Charts stamped for progress.) If you are absent or lose this, view & print here.

~Time to read your book. (approx 30 min)

~Read your book...stay on schedule. Complete the Characterization: Dystopias assignment via Classroom before class on Tuesday.

~Missed the reading log? There is a credit recovery Flipgrid posted to Classroom.

Progress reports due next Friday!
