Tuesday, 20 March: Independent reading presentations, day 2

Today I will:

~Analyze & interpret complex text by giving an independent reading presentation
~Comprehend complex text by reading a self-selected nonfiction book


Warm-up (5min):  Write about your parents/family members' careers/jobs. Are they doing something they love, like, tolerate, or hate? What is their work like? If you've ever visited them at work, what's your opinion? Would you be interested in pursuing a similar career or job? Why or why not?

~Check for independent reading books (25 pt) & speech template/packet (20 pt)
~Speeches today: Cole, Patrick, Alyssa, Aviana, Veronica, Hayden, Jackson, Stephanie


Everyone: 20+ minutes of independent reading; Flipgrid due Wednesday (tomorrow)

CP: Make sure your Google Slides are ready (& in the Classroom assignment folder) for your presentation.
HON: Short Story of the Week // due Sunday; 25 pt (via Google Classroom & Common Lit)
